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 Our clothes are made with our spirituality in mind.


When creating H.LAY, we were driven by a desire to centre stories like ours. Stories that captured and celebrated our own African Muslim heritage which, despite often being sidelined, has been so powerful in our growth.

All our clothes are designed to tell stories. An important part of our story has always been our spirituality. Everyone experiences faith differently. At H.LAY, we want to ensure that our clothes represent some of the unique needs of those of us who tell our faith stories through our clothes.

Some may refer to this as modest dressing, maybe even liberating. But we find those words to be limiting as they each carry their own weight and meanings— meanings that radically differ between people and, in reality, may not be experienced positively by some. 

We’d prefer to describe it as conscious dressing, or even dressing according to values. These words are more expansive as it encapsulates everything we hope to stand for: not just being conscious of the fit of our clothes, but also how they’re made, who they’re made by and what they stand for. Because in our mind, faith goes beyond thinking about how we look to others but focuses more on how we connect with ourselves, each other, the land and ultimately to our Creator. 

In Spirit & Faith.